P2.1 HPVCI—Convective Initiation

Tuesday, 16 January 2001
Paul J. Croft, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS; and D. Lu, J. Hafner, P. J. Fitzpatrick, and R. S. Reddy

As part of the High Performance Visualization Center Initiative (HPVCI) at Jackson State University (JSU), the JSU Meteorology Program has performed initial study and validation of summer season convective initiation events for the Mobile, Alabama region. The events were initialized with 0000 UTC NCEP gridded analyses (from NCAR) with rawinsonde and surface observations. Gridded and observational data were also used in four dimensional data assimilation throughout the model runs. The 24-hour model runs were completed and outputs saved every hour for each model grid domain. Modeling results were analyzed every hour and at each output level (1000, 975, 950, 925, 900, 875, 850, 825, 800, 700 and 500 mb). Results indicate realistic values and patterns of field variables and were animated and examined in cross-section to explore the sea-breeze relationship to the convective initiation. Final analysis will include direct comparisons with WSR-88D datasets and model simulations by COAMPS.
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