In order to explore the physical processes responsible for the diurnal shift of rainfall peaks, a series of numerical experiments of flood/drought cases have been carried out using a nested mesoscale model (MM5). Particular emphasis in the diagnostic analysis is placed on phase relations among different atmospheric processes. Based on observational analysis and model simulations we found the following: (1) Large-scale forcing in wet years favors organization (upscale growth) of convection, which postpones precipitation to late night/early morning. On the other hand, in dry years large-scale forcing is weak and does not support organized convective systems. (2) In wet years major contributing components to precipitation, e.g., the low-level jet, and even atmospheric tides, peak about simultaneously in this region, producing a stronger diurnal cycle. In contrast, in dry years these components are out of diurnal phase, producing a weaker diurnal amplitude of precipitation. (3) Model horizontal grid resolution can artificially alter diurnal precipitation distribution by failing to resolve organized mesoscale convective systems.