P1.27 Visualization And Data Analysis At USF: Integrating Meteorology, Hydrology, and related geophysical sciences

Sunday, 14 January 2001
Arlene G. Laing, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL; and G. A. Tobin

Students at the University of South Florida are introduced to real-time atmospheric and related geophysical data analysis and visualization using the Unidata Internet Delivery System. A newly established laboratory is used for teaching and research in meteorology, hydrology, oceanography, natural hazards, remote sensing, and environmental sciences.

The main academic focus of the Department of Geography is on urban and environmental issues with special emphases on natural hazards, such as floods, hurricanes, lightning, and storm surge, and other environmental concerns associated with urban development issues that are characteristic of Florida. In the laboratory, students learn how to (1) overlay data, analyze spatial information, and create imagery of diverse types, (2) effectively depict the three-dimensional spatial structure of the atmosphere, and (3) animate displays to show atmospheric and oceanic evolution. In this manner, students can relate the physical concepts presented in class to applications in their immediate environment. Representatives from the College of Education's Center for Teaching Enhancement have conducted an evaluation of the courses that make use of the facilities.

The goal of this project is to enhance the academic experiences of students in environmental geography while providing sound computer-based, technical skills that have direct vocational applications.

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