A number of N.A. monsoon studies will be reviewed from the angle of synoptic influences, sea surface temperature (SST) forcing, diabatic heating, gulf surges and climate diagnostics, with the emphasis on understanding the monsoon's evolution. These aspects will be brought to bear on findings from our recent study, which provides a means of estimating the timing and strength of the N.A. monsoon just prior to onset in AZ, using SSTs in the Gulf of California (GOC). Collectively these studies support a new conceptual model of the monsoon, an important component of which is the ocean circulation in the GOC.
Some findings from our six season study, based on satellite rainfall (SSM/I), sea surface temperature (MCSST and GOES-10), and other data fields at high spatial and temporal resolution, include: (1) SSTs in the GOC must be at least 26 deg. C before significant rainfall begins in northern Mexico or the U.S. southwest during late spring/early summer. (2) An SST parameter was correlated with rainfall amount over N. Mexico (r=0.75) occurring during a 0-15 day lag period after an SST increase. (3) For the period June through August, 75% of the rainfall in the Arizona/New Mexico region (AZNM) occurred after N. GOC SSTs exceeded 29 C, with relatively heavy rains beginning 0-7 days after this. (4) The dates that SSTs reached 29.5 C were fairly uniform in the southern and central GOC, but were delayed in the N. GOC. This warming delay coincided with a rainfall delay for AZNM relative to regions further south. (5) Based on the 17 years of available SST data, 14 of those years exhibited the following behavior: When N. gulf SSTs during the first half of July were relatively high, rainfall during June-August in Arizona was relatively high. Otherwise, June-August Arizona rainfall was normal or below normal. This agrees with the work of Higgins in that early monsoons tend to be wetter.