2002 Annual

Thursday, 17 January 2002: 11:29 AM
Tangent Linear and Adjoint of the Kain-Fritsch Moist-Convective Parameterization
Luc Fillion, MSC, Dorval, PQ, Canada; and S. B�lair
In order to enable variational assimilation of observed data related to moist physical processes such as convection, it is advantageous to develop tangent-linear and adjoint codes of these processes. Examples of the use of these computer codes is the variational assimilation of precipitation data and adjoint sensitivity studies where physical processes are important. In view of the next generation of regional and global variational data assimilation systems for operational use at the Canadian Meteorological Center, we recently developed the tangent-linear and adjoint codes for the Kain-Fritsch moist-convective parameterization scheme. This latter scheme is planned to replace the currently operational Fritsch-Chappel scheme at CMC. Linearization properties will be discussed in the presentation together with a simple illustration of the use of such codes in a 1D-Var framework for precipitation assimilation.

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