This method assumes that the components of the eigenvectors of purely noisy data follow a Gaussian distribution and it follows that the squares of these components follow the Porter-Thomas distribution, a special case of the Chi-square distribution. The cumulative distribution function of the components is compared with the cumulative distribution function of the assumed distribution and the deviation from the expected is used as a criterion to separate vectors with information from those that are purely noisy.
The data sets used include the wind stress data over the tropical pacific region (20S-20N,130E-70W), sea level pressure over the North Atlantic region (20N-90N,120W-30E) and geopotential height at pressure levels ranging from 1000mb to 100mb over the North Atlantic region (20N-90N,120W-30E) - all considered from 1948 to 2000 - using monthly and weekly data from the NOAA-CIRES reanalysis data sets.
The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is a large scale seesaw in atmospheric mass between the subtropical high and the polar low, first identified by Walker and Bliss. Our EOF analysis of sea level pressure and geopotential height data captures this NAO pattern. Further, only the dominant vectors which represent the NAO are also considered significant by our selection test.
Geopotential height data ranging from 1000mb to 100mb was used and composite EOFs in 3-D were obtained. The results yield interesting teleconnection patterns in all the three space dimensions - capturing the opposing behaviour in the subtropical and polar regions. The principal components of the 3D EOF structure agree closely with the documented NAO indices.
The wind-stress data set gives dominant eigenvectors that depict the equatorial Pacific wind stress patterns. This has been documented and agrees with our results. Our selection rules choose only the first three eigenvectors which correspond to the findings of Legler(1983) and they carry physical significance.
These results were compared with Rule N . In general, Rule N provides a very conservative estimate of the number of significant eigenvectors while our analysis provides a more realistic estimate and corresponds closely with patterns that have physical significance.
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