Thursday, 17 January 2002: 1:59 PM
Technological Advances at the Lower Mississippi River Forecast Center Using GIS Technology
The LMRFC collects, processes, and analyses a large amount of data. To keep its users informed, the LMRFC prepares a significant number of products using ArcView/GIS. These products are used internally at LMRFC and within the NWS and may be posted to the LMRFC webpage. Products prepared using ArcView include: precipitation estimates from the NWS WSR-88D Radar for time periods ranging from hourly to yearly; contoured observed precipitation for time periods ranging from daily to yearly; monthly normal precipitation maps and departure from normal; forecasted precipitation in 6-hour increments for 24 hours in the future including gridded model output; and maps displaying the status of river forecast locations to name a few. Images are made available via the website, however these data (in GIS format) will be made available for download.
We will demonstrate this technology and how it is integrated into LMRFC products and services.
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