Wednesday, 16 January 2002: 2:15 PM
The Observed Relationship between Snow Cover, Soil Moisture, and the Asian Monsoon
Alan Robock, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ; and M. Mu, K. Y. Vinnikov, and D. A. Robinson
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Prediction of the strength of the Indian summer monsoon and of the
amount of precipitation generated is of importance to more than a
billion people. Blanford more than a century ago suggested that
Himalayan snow cover in the preceding winter could be used as a
predictor of the monsoon, but subsequent investigations have failed to
clearly describe the mechanisms involved. Does snow cover produce its
effect through induced or related atmospheric circulation, or is the
effect a direct one on local radiative or hydrological phenomena, such
as soil moisture? Or is snow cover just an indicator of other
circulation and temperature anomalies, and with no direct physical
influence on the monsoon? There have been many climate model
simulations addressed to this issue, but few examinations of actual
observations of snow and soil moisture. Here, using updated actual
observations of snow cover, soil moisture, and atmospheric circulation,
we address these issues.
We find that strong Indian summer monsoon precipitation is preceded by
warmer than normal temperatures over Europe and North America in the
previous winter and over western Asia in the previous spring, but colder
temperatures over Tibet. The European temperature anomalies are related
to the positive phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation. Negative snow
cover anomalies in Europe, previously shown to be correlated with strong
monsoons, are produced by circulation and temperature anomalies. The
snow-albedo feedback is always operating, but the snow by itself does
not physically control the monsoon. Strong Indian summer monsoon
precipitation is actually accompanied by higher than normal Tibetan snow
cover in spring. Anomalous snow cover impacts on temperature are not
prolonged by soil moisture feedbacks, and there is no obvious
relationship between soil moisture and the monsoon. The mechanism by
which winter Eurasian temperature anomalies persist for several months
in order to be able to influence the strength of the monsoon still need
to be examined.
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