13A.3 **Reflectivity, ice scattering, and lightning characteristics of tropical cyclone eyewalls, inner rainbands, adn outer rainbands

Friday, 26 May 2000: 10:45 AM
Daniel J. Cecil, Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX

Previous studies have shown that hurricane outer rainbands produce a great deal more lightning than do eyewalls or inner rainbands. In general, tropical oceanic convective systems produce less lightning, weaker updrafts, reduced radar reflectivity aloft and reduced passive microwave ice scattering signatures in comparison to continental convective systems. This study compares the reflectivity, ice scattering, and lightning characteristics of hurricane eyewalls, inner rainbands, and outer rainbands with each other and with more general tropical oceanic and tropical continental precipitation systems. The results suggest that hurricane outer rainbands are more efficient producers of lightning than are non-hurricane tropical oceanic systems. The outer rainbands do not, however, display a clear propensity for more intense convection in terms of radar reflectivity profiles and ice scattering signatures.
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