5.2 Uncertainties in global sea surface turbulent flux algorithms

Saturday, 27 May 2000: 8:45 AM
Michael A. Brunke, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ; and X. Zeng

Recently, the WCRP Workshop on Ocean Surface Turbulent Fluxes was held in Boulder, Colorado to discuss the creation of a global sea surface turbulent flux dataset. It is recognized that uncertainties in producing such a dataset could be caused by differences in the choice of bulk aerodynamic parameterizations and the estimation of near-surface meterological variables.

To address these algorithm uncertainties, we are performing a comprehensive algorithm intercomparison. We have done a similar intercomparison before (Zeng et al. 1998) that led to the implementation of our algorithm into the NCEP global operational model. Our work that will be presented at the Conference is an extension of this previous work in that we will be including additional algorithms as suggested by the WCRP workshop and the use of mid-latitude observational data as well as the tropical data used previously. We are now in the process of obtaining the new algorithms and working with data groups to collect the additional observational data for validation. At the Conference, we will discuss algorithm uncertainties and make recommendations regarding an algorithm or a combination of algorithms that is best suited for the generation of a global dataset of fluxes.

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