Wednesday, 24 May 2000: 10:45 AM
Using a two-dimensional nested spectral model (NSM-2D) with
classical thermodynamics and parameterized microphysics
(CTPM) which has been developed by K.V. Ooyama of NOAA's
Hurricane Research Division, tropical squall line systems
have been simulated with various strengths of the initial
low-level vertical shear of the horizontal wind. The
resulting systems are found to produce cold surface outflow
layers which propagate against the low-level flow with some
finite ground-relative velocity. This propagation velocity
may be related to several other aspects of the squall line
system and its environment, specifically, the velocity
profile of the low-level environmental inflow, the maximum
updraft in the vicinity of the surface outflow head (gust
front), and the rear-to-front flow through the convective
region of the squall line system. This portion of the work
represents an update and refinement of the theories
presented earlier by Rotunno et al. (1988) and Weisman
(1992). Additionally, the production of new convective
cells near the gust front of a multicellular squall line
system is commonly found to occur in either simple- or
complex-periodic cycles, as examined by Fovell and Ogura
(1989) and Fovell and Dailey (1995). The character of these
cycles may also be related to aspects of the squall line
system and its environment, including the propagation speed
of the gust front and the influence of gravity waves
generated on the surface of the cold outflow layer.