13A.5 Radial variation of azimuthally averaged flow across the hurricane core as observed with airborne Doppler Radar

Friday, 26 May 2000: 11:15 AM
John F. Gamache, NOAA/AOML/HRD, Miami, FL; and M. L. Black and H. E. Willoughby

Examination of the variation of azimuthally averaged zonal and meridional Doppler-derived winds in the cores of Hurricanes Olivia and Jimena indicate that the vertical shear increased with increasing radius. Divergent wind fields analyzed for the hurricane core have azimuthally averaged flow that tends to oppose the overall wind shear, which is in agreement with one of the model results shown by Jones. Additionally, in the core, winds at smaller radii imply a more vertically aligned storm center than do winds at larger radii. These results will be documented in several hurricanes, including Olivia and Jimena.
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