Wednesday, 24 May 2000
The pressure drop across a convective circulation such as the
Hadley-Walker cell depends solely on the thermodynamics
of its convective heat engine (Renn\'o et al. 1998; Renn\'o
1999). Indeed, the near-surface pressure drop across one of
these circulations is a function of the thermodynamic efficiency
of the circulation's heat engine and also a function of the
difference in surface air temperature and water vapor content
between the ascending and descending branches of the circulation.
Thus, given the
pressure drop and surface air temperature and moisture content,
we can estimate the thermodynamic efficiency of the circulation.
Indeed, by comparing this efficiency with that of a reversible
heat engine operating under the same conditions, we can compute
the degree of irreversibility of the circulation.
We use the above framework to estimate the thermodynamic efficiency
of the Hadley circulation in nature and numerical models.
Our results show that, to a first order approximation, the heat
engine of nature's Hadley circulation is reversible ($\eta \approx
\eta_{rev} \approx 0.1$). Moreover, it shows that the heat engine
of numerical models are highly irreversible when compared with
nature ($\eta \lep 0.05$).