Saturday, 27 May 2000: 10:45 AM
The potential vorticity principle for a nonhydrostatic, moist, precipitating
atmosphere is derived. The appropriate generalization of the well-known
(dry) Ertel potential vorticity is found to be
$P=\rho^{-1}(2{\bf \Omega}+\nabla\times{\bf u})\cdot\nabla\theta_\rho$, where
$\rho$ is the total density, consisting of the sum of the densities of dry air,
airborne moisture (vapor and cloud condensate) and precipitation, where
${\bf u}$ is the density-weighted-mean velocity of dry air, airborne
moisture, and precipitation, and where $\theta_\rho$ is the virtual potential
temperature, defined in such a way as to annihilate the solenoidal term.
The $\theta_\rho$-surfaces are impermeable to $\rho P$. For balanced flows,
there exists an invertibility principle which determines the total pressure
(the sum of the partial pressures of dry air and water vapor) from the spatial
distribution of $P$. In the special case of an absolutely dry atmosphere, $P$
reduces to the usual (dry) Ertel potential vorticity.