Wednesday, 24 May 2000: 5:15 PM
In this paper, we examined the influence of sea surface temperature (SST)
on the variability of Asian summer monsoon using a regional model. The
NCEP reanalyses for June, July and August (JJA) of 1987 and 1988 are made
use as initial conditions for the purpose. The monsoon circulation is
maintained by persistent influx of heat and moisture as well as diabatic
heating. We investigated the effect of interactive SST vs. prescribed SST
of Indian Ocean on the monsoon circulation. It was demonstrated that the
SST of Indian Ocean modulates the summer monsoon circulation. Also, the
summer monsoon variability is more realistic with interactive SST. This is
corroborated by simulations carried out with ECMWF analyses fields for JJA
of 1987 and 1988.