Saturday, 27 May 2000: 8:45 AM
Radar reflectivity profiles in a spectrum of tropical precipitation systems are analyzed. These profiles were obtained by the ER-2 Doppler radar (EDOP) in a several field experiments, TEFLUN (Texas and Central Florida), CAMEX-3 (Atlantic Hurricanes), and TRMM-LBA (Brazil). Rain is classified as stratiform or convective according to a profile-based scheme similar to that employed for TRMM PR data. Further characterizations distinguish weak vs vigorous convection, small vs large thunderstorms, stratiform and convective rain in hurricanes, warm rain, and rain not reaching the ground (with or without bright band). Several variables are examined for all rain types:
- EDOP nadir antenna:
- composite CFADs of reflectivity
- the bright-band vertical structure for stratiform systems
- storm top (at 0 dB and at 18 dB, the latter corresponds with TRMM storm top)
- measured radial velocity profile (CFAD)
- estimated air motion profile (CFAD)
- near-ground reflectivity (and derived rainrate)
- relation between rainrate and storm top height
- system length or width
- other instruments on the ER-2:
- AMPR brightness temperature at 10, 37, and 85 GHz (mean and standard deviation), and GPROF-derived rainrate
- Lightning frequency (LIP)
- MAS IR temperature (and sounding-derived height)