Wednesday, 24 May 2000: 5:15 PM
A prototype tropical cyclone (TC) wind and wave forecasting scheme has
been developed to produce real-time wind and wave forecast fields (T0 to
T=72 hours)
for TC in the Atlantic basin. A two-dimensional planetary boundary layer
wind model
is applied, using the objective wind analysis scheme developed by Powell
(1995) for initialization, with the resulting wind stresses driving a
three-dimensional wave model. The output will include 17.5 m/s, 26 m/s,
and 33 m/s wind radii which are among the primary forecast parameters
issued by the Tropical Prediction Center/National Hurricane Center
(TPC/NHC) in the Tropical Cyclone Forecast/Advisory product. The
significant wave height forecast fields will also be produced, including
the 12-foot threshold radii issued by TPC/NHC. Results from several case
studies will be shown.