Thursday, 25 May 2000: 4:45 PM
S. Daniel Jacob, RSMAS/Univ. of Miami, Miami, FL; and L. K. Shay, P. G. Black, and S. H. Houston
Hurricane Gilbert (1988) was one of the strongest storms in the Atlantic in
recent history. During its passage in the western Gulf of Mexico, a warm
core eddy was positioned at a distance of about 4 R
max (radius of
maximum winds, 60 km) from the storm-track. High resolution observations
were acquired by deploying Airborne eXpendable Current Profilers (AXCPs) and
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermographs (AXBTs) before, during and one and
three days following the storm passage. Hurricane Gilbert was going through
eye wall replacement in the western Gulf of Mexico, that resulted in a very
broad wind field with dual wind maxima. Using flight level winds, buoy
measurements and background winds from ECMWF, realistic surface winds were
estimated using the Hurricane Research Division Wind Analysis package. The
oceanic measurements are used to initialize the Miami Isopycnic Coordinate
Ocean Model (MICOM) in the Gulf of Mexico. This model uses explicit mixed
layer physics with different entrainment mixing mechanisms to investigate
the upper ocean response including the heat, mass and momentum balances in
the vicinity of the mesoscale features. By using realistic wind forcing,
the numerical simulations address the effect of dual wind maxima and the
associated wind asymmetries on the ocean response and the modulation of
air-sea fluxes.
With the ocean model initial conditions being the same, symmetric (by
symmetric here we mean the vector sum of storm centered symmetric component
and the translation speed) and total winds are used to force the model and
the results are compared with observations. While the thermal response for
the realistic oceanic initial condition compares well with the AXCP data for
both total and symmetric wind fields, the area averaged surface fluxes in
the directly forced region increase by about 20 to 30 % for the total wind
forcing. A similar increase in fluxes are also seen by using realistic
initialization of the ocean model with the eddy in the domain with a marked
decrease of 0.8 to 1.1° C in the rms differences between simulated
and observed temperatures in the upper ocean. Thus, mesoscale wind asymmetries and realistic oceanic conditions enhance surface fluxes significantly.

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