Saturday, 27 May 2000: 11:30 AM
A modified formulation of the traditional single column model
for representing a limited area near the equator is proposed.
This formulation can also be considered a two-column model
in the limit as the area represented by one of the columns becomes
very large compared to the other. Only a single column is
explicitly modeled, but its free tropospheric temperature, rather
than its mean vertical velocity, is prescribed. This allows the
precipitation and vertical velocity to be true prognostic variables,
as in prior analytical theories of tropical precipitation.
Two models developed by other investigators are modified according to
the proposed formulation. The first is an intermediate atmospheric
model with two vertical modes, but with the horizontal connections
between columns broken, rendering it a set of disconnected column
models. The second is a true single colum model with 50 hPa
vertical resolution. In the first model, the set of disconnected
column models is run with a fixed temperature that is uniform in the
tropics, and insolation, SST, and surface wind speed taken from a
control run of the original model. The column models produce a
climatological precipitation field which is grossly similar to that
of the control run, despite that the circulation implied by the
column models is not required to conserve mass.
The addition of horizontal moisture advection by the wind from the
control run substantially improves the simulation in dry regions.
In the second model the sensitivity of the modeled steady-state
precipitation and relative humidity to varying sea surface temperature
(SST) and wind speed is examined. The transition from
shallow to deep convection is simulated in a ``Lagrangian''
calculation in which the column model is subjected to an SST that
increases in time. In this simulation, the onset of deep convection
is delayed to a higher SST than in the steady-state case, due to the
effect of horizontal moisture advection (viewed in a Lagrangian
reference frame). In both of the models, the steady-state moisture
convergence is a nearly unique function of the surface evaporation
when horizontal moisture advection is neglected, a result which
is explained in terms of the moisture and moist static energy budgets.
The proposed formulation can also be applied to limited area
three-dimensional models, such as cloud resolving models.