Friday, 26 May 2000: 4:45 PM
To implement the Systematic Approach to Tropical Cyclone Track Forecasting
concept (Carr and Elsberry 1994) under operational time constraints, a
knowledge-based expert system is being developed that assists the forecaster
in dealing with the highly complex information management, visualization, and
decision-making challenges inherent to tropical cyclone track forecasting. This
talk provides an overview of the features that have been built in the expert
system software, which include: (i) a highly structured (but non-binding)
procedural guidance with selectable levels of detail; (ii) a cluster-based
objective assignment of the most probable error mechanisms to focus the
dynamical model evaluation process; (iii) an error mechanism HELP feature that
includes track graphics and field animations that illustrate the key indicators
of the frequently occurring error mechanisms; (iv) a model forecast tracks
display that includes cluster and individual model trend analyses; (v) a model
forecast fields animation capability that instantly lets the forecaster switch
from intra-model to inter-model comparisons; (vi) an interactive error mechanism
assignment capability that lets the forecaster see the impact of selecting
only certain dynamical model tracks for a consensus forecast; and (vii) an
interactive Summary Sheet feature that records objective ensemble spread and
cluster analysis data, objective and subjective error mechanism assignments,
and forecaster comments to facilitate shift-to-shift information transfer.