Thursday, 25 May 2000: 1:45 PM
Shouping Wang, USRA, Huntsville, AL; and E. W. McCaul Jr. and K. R. Knupp
In order to provide better understanding of the structure of the turbulent
flow in the boundary layers of hurricanes, a series of exploratory large eddy
simulations have been conducted using idealized starting conditions based on
the strong low-level winds found in mature tropical cyclone cores. The model
is integrated for 8 h over a 25 km x 25 km domain 4 km deep, using 100 m and
50 m mesh spacings in the horizontal and vertical, respectively. Maps and
statistics of the resulting quasi-steady flow regimes are obtained during the
final 2 h. Initial wind profiles are assumed to contain zero shear, and are
allowed to range over speeds from 30 to 50 m/s in selected experiments. Deep
convective precipitating clouds are not represented in these unsaturated
simulations, but lapse rates are set to small values, consistent with the
effective small static stability of the moist atmosphere typical of tropical
cyclone cores. Capping inversions are not present in these simulations, so
that turbulence continues to develop upward slowly with time. The simulations
are terminated before significant turbulence kinetic energy reaches the top of
the model domain. To account for propagation of perturbation flow structures,
the model domain is allowed to translate at a velocity approximately 75% of
that of the initial imposed flow, which assures that any coherent circulations
that develop are properly sampled within the simulation domain. Surface
roughness lengths of 0.05 m are used to represent vegetated land terrain.
Flow statistics exhibit an asymptotic approach to stationarity after 6 h
of simulation time. TKE profiles show a gradual decrease of amplitude above a
strong peak in the lowest 1 km, and are similar in shape to those seen in
recent Doppler profiler observations of spectral width in landfalling hurricanes.
TKE amplitudes are much larger than those observed and simulated in any prior
published boundary layer studies. Mature boundary layer structures seen in the
simulations include intense longitudinal striations in the horizontal wind,
aligned approximately with the mean flow in the lowest 500 m. Horizontal wind
differences across these structures are almost half the amplitudes of the
imposed initial windspeeds, in approximate agreement with recent high-resolution
observations made by mobile Doppler radars. Characteristic vertical velocity
within these structures is 3 m/s. Despite their simplicity, it appears that
these LES simulations can provide much useful insight into the dynamics of the
typical tropical cyclone core boundary layer flow.

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