Wednesday, 24 May 2000
This paper discusses thermal impact of Tibetan underlying surface structure including thermal forcing characteristics and the impact of land surface temperature anomaly. Results shows that the thermal condition of the underlying surface on the Plateau in the preceding winter and spring would be a strong signal for the summer rainfall of middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River (MLRY) area. Whether the flood or drought would happen or not in MLRY area has certain relationship with the preceding general circulation and its remote correlation wave train and low frequency oscillation.
Furthermore, the temporal and spatial distribution of cloud structure on the plateau and its dynamic effect are also investigated in this paper. Besides, the characteristics of " water vapor stream" at the edge of the Plateau during Meiyu period of 1998 at Yangtze River Valley is discussed as well.
The result shows the noticeable change of water vapor source and its corridor are important to the formation, generation and development of the torrential rain in Yangtze river basin.