1) Ed Rappaport - NOAA/Tropical Prediction Center
2) Frank Marks - NOAA/Hurricane Research Division
3) Bryan Norcross - CBS-4 News, Miami
4) Bob Tuleya - NOAA/Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
5) Neil Stuart - NOAA/National Weather Service/Weather Forecast Office
6) Bill Frank - Penn State University
7) Kevin Mccarthy - NOAA/Hydrological Prediction Center
8) John Feldt - NOAA/Southeast River Forecast Center
The panel would would discuss several different aspects of tropical cyclone precipitation forecasting with multiple viewpoints ranging from those of a modeler to those involved with warning the public. Scientific advancements, effective methodologies, current problems, and future approaches would be explored. It is important to note that this discussion is strictly to present and exchange ideas -- NOT to advocate policy or set operational procedures.
The session should last for a maximum of two hours. During the first hour, all panelists would make presentations, argue and debate among themselves, and/or answer prepared questions from the moderator. The second hour would open the floor to questions from the audience.