376 Nonlinear Response of Hail Precipitation Rate to Environmental Moisture Content: A Real Case Modeling Study of an Episodic Midlatitude Severe Convective Event

Monday, 7 January 2019
Hall 4 (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Qinghong Zhang, Peking Univ., Beijing, China

The dependence of hail production on initial moisture content in a simulated midlatitude episodic convective event occurred in northeast China on 10–11 June 2005 was investigated using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model with a double-moment microphysics scheme where both graupel and hail are considered. Three sensitivity experiments were performed by modifying the initial water vapor mixing ratio profile to 90% (“Q10%”), 105% (“Q+5%”), and 110% (“Q+10%”) of the initial conditions used for the control simulation. It was found that increasing the initial water vapor content caused the hail and total precipitation rates to increase during the first 5 h. The precipitation response to increasing water vapor content was monotonic for this first episode; however, for the event’s second episode, the hail precipitation rate responds to the initial water vapor profile nonlinearly, while the total precipitation rate responds mostly monotonically. In particular, simulation Q+5% achieves the largest hail production rate while simulation Q+10% has the largest total precipitation rate. In contrast, during the second episode simulation Q10% has the strongest vertical motion, produces the most cloud ice and snow, but has the lowest hail production. Analysis shows that increasing the initial moisture content directly increases the precipitation during the first episode, which subsequently induces a stronger, longer-lasting cold pool that limits the development of deep convection during the second episode.
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