Stochastic parameterization schemes (e.g., stochastically perturbed parameterization tendency (SPPT)) have become a widely-used method of representing uncertainties in model formulation. This work employs the independent SPPT (iSPPT) scheme to the hurricane WRF (HWRF) ensemble prediction system to improve TC ensemble forecasts and to better understand the predictability of TC intensity. In contrast to SPPT, which perturbs the total parameterization tendency, iSPPT individually perturbs each parameterization (i.e., PBL, radiation, microphysics and cumulus) tendency with a unique stochastic pattern. As a consequence, iSPPT can evaluate the impact of uncertainties associated with a particular physical process. Preliminary results indicate that applying stochastic perturbations to the PBL parameterization results in larger 72-h TC intensity ensemble standard deviation compared with control ensemble forecasts.