Session 7 Studies Involving Aviation Impacts Translation Modeling

Tuesday, 14 January 2020: 3:00 PM-4:00 PM
206A (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Host: 20th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology
Mark Worris, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Air Traffic Control Systems, Lexington, MA
Steve Abelman, American Airlines, Ft. Worth, TX

Effective weather impact management for aviation meteorology is often accomplished when decision-makers are well-informed not about the weather, but by how that weather may constrain or impact key operational resources or objectives. This is best accomplished through effective aviation impact modeling, which converts meteorological context to operationally-meaningful information and guidance. This session will include topics focused on the continued advancement and application of aviation weather impact translation models developed for various meteorological phenomena (e.g., convection, low visibility, winter weather, turbulence, hazards winds).

3:30 PM
Airline Operational Performance as It Relates to TAFs
Benjamin D. Dillahunt, Southwest Airlines Co., Dallas, TX; and J. C. Cohen
3:45 PM
Impact-Based Decision Support Services for the National Airspace System: A Case Study of Two High-Impact Thunderstorm Events on Traffic Flow Management
David Bieger, NWS, Warrenton, VA; and J. Carr Jr., M. T. Eckert, B. A. Smith, K. Struckmann, and B. Waranauskas
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner