Tuesday, 14 January 2020: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Blending Extrapolation and R3R Forecast
Ming Fang, IMSG, Silver Spring, MD; IMSG, Rockville, MD; and R. Chen, J. Cheng, Y. Weng, S. Liu, W. Guo, L. Jiang, Y. Jin, and M. Yao
Analysis and Automated Detection of Ice Crystal Icing Conditions Using Geostationary Satellite Datasets and In Situ Ice Water Content Measurements
K. M. Bedka, NASA, Hampton, VA; and C. R. Yost, L. Nguyen, J. W. Strapp, T. Ratvasky, K. Khlopenkov, B. Scarino, R. Bhatt, D. A. Spangenberg, and R. Palikonda
The Atmospheric Flow at the Alcantara Space Center—In Situ Observations, Modeling, and Wind Tunnel Essays
Gilberto Fisch, Institute of Aeronautics and Space, São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil; and C. P. F. Francisco, A. C. Avelar, E. G. Valentim, K. Klippel, N. C. Reis Jr., and B. Hulle

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

- Indicates an Award Winner