Poster Session 3 Tropical Cyclone Rainfall: Poster Session

Wednesday, 15 January 2020: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Host: Tropical Meteorology and Tropical Cyclones Symposium
Jennifer C. DeHart, Colorado State Univ., Dept. of Atmospheric Science, Fort Collins, CO and Rosimar Ríos-Berríos, NCAR, Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology, Boulder, CO

Representation of Tropical Cyclone Precipitation in Global Reanalysis Datasets
Evan Jones, Florida State Univ., Tallahassee, FL; and A. A. Wing and R. Parfitt

The Evolution and Extratropical Transition of Tropical Cyclones during the 2017 Hurricane Season from a GLM, ISS Lis, and GPM Perspective
Lena Heuscher, Univ. of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL; and P. N. Gatlin, W. A. Petersen, D. J. Cecil, and C. Liu

Extreme Rainfall in the Carolinas during the Extratropical Transition of Hurricane Matthew (2016)
Scott W. Powell, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA; and M. M. Bell

Past and Future Rainfall from Dissipating Tropical Cyclones in Southwestern California
James D. Means, California State Univ., San Marcos, San Marcos, CA; WeatherExtreme Ltd., Incline Village, NV; and M. Burin and F. De Sales
Manuscript (2.8 MB)

Development of a Probabilistic Tropical Cyclone Rainfall Model: P-Rain
F. D. Marks, NOAA/AOML, Miami, FL; and B. D. McNoldy, M. C. Ko, and A. B. Schumacher

Exploring Precipitation Biases for U.S. Landfalling Tropical Cyclones in ECMWF Forecasts
Manuel D. Zuluaga, Climate Forecast Applications Network, Reno, NV; and V. Toma, C. Dickson, and J. Curry

Effect of High-Resolution Topography in Simulations of Hurricane Maria's Landfall in Puerto Rico
Nathalie G. Rivera-Torres, Univ. at Albany, SUNY, Albany, NY; and F. Judt

Investigation of the Dynamics of Extreme Rainfall in Landfalling Tropical Cyclones
Erik R. Nielsen, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and R. S. Schumacher

Handout (75.3 MB)

Challenges Associated with Extreme Rainfall Measurement during Hurricane Maria
Scott Weaver, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD; and M. Dillard and M. Levitan

Estimating Long-Term Tropical Cyclone Rainfall Frequency—A Physics-Based Approach
Monika Feldmann, ETH Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland; and K. Emanuel, L. Zhu, and U. Lohmann

Land–Sea Contrast in the Diurnal Variation of Precipitation from Landfalling Tropical Cyclones
Xiaodong Tang, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China; and Q. Cai, J. Fang, and Z. M. Tan

Handout (5.8 MB)

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner