Poster Session 1 GOES-R/JPSS Poster Session

Wednesday, 15 January 2020: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Host: 16th Annual Symposium on New Generation Operational Environmental Satellite Systems
Michael Jamilkowski, The Aerospace Corporation, Greenbelt, MD

National Weather Service Training Activities at the UW–Madison Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies
S. S. Lindstrom, Univ. of Wisconsin–Madison/CIMSS, Madison, WI; and A. S. Bachmeier, C. C. Schmidt, M. M. Gunshor, J. J. Gerth, and T. J. Schmit

On the Band-Averaged Radiative Transfer Calculation in a Mixture of Absorptive Gas and Scattering Medium
Jiachen Ding, Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX; and P. Yang, X. Liu, M. D. King, S. Platnick, K. Meyer, and C. Wang

GOES-T and -U Postlaunch Product Testing Plans and Lessons Learned from GOES-R and -S
Katherine Pitts, Science and Technology Corporation, Greenbelt, MD; and E. Kline, J. Fulbright, and M. Seybold

Handout (2.1 MB)

Large-Scale Algorithm Updates and New Products for the GOES-16/17 Ground System
Paul A. Van Rompay, Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc., Greenbelt, MD; and S. Superczynski

Detecting Hail Damage Using the GOES Advanced Baseline Imager
Philip N. Schumacher, NWS, Sioux Falls, SD; and S. L. Koehler and K. Gallo

Operational and Research Mesoscale Domain Sector (MDS) Request Process
Josh Jankot, NESDIS, College Park, MD; and R. R. Handel, J. Taylor, M. Bettwy, and E. M. Guillot

Laser Transmitter System for Ground-to-Space Laser Calibration of Spaceborne Radiometric Sensors
Timothy Berkoff, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA; and C. Lukashin, T. Jackson, C. Roithmayr, W. Carrion, S. Brown, B. Alberding, J. McCorkel, B. McAndrew, J. McGarry, E. Hoffman, M. Shappirio, and J. V. Martins

A Study of the Physical Geometric Optics Method In the Case of a Spheroid
Nancy Okeudo, Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX; and J. Ding, P. Yang, and R. Saravanan
Manuscript (34.2 kB)

Handout (686.1 kB)

Remote Sensing of Hail Scar–Producing Thunderstorms
Abigail E. Whiteside, Univ. of Alabama in Hunstville, Huntsville, AL; and C. J. Schultz, J. R. Bell, K. M. Bedka, S. Bang, and D. J. Cecil

Handout (1.2 MB)

Low Earth Orbit Sounder Retrieval Products at Geostationary Earth Orbit Spatial and Temporal Scale
James F. Anheuser, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; CIMSS, Madison, WI; and E. Weisz and W. P. Menzel

Quantifying the Sensitivity of NCEP's GDAS/GFS to CrIS Detector Differences
A. Lim, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, WI; and S. Nebuda, J. A. Jung, D. C. Tobin, and M. Goldberg

Poster 1384 is now 9B.4A.

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner