The research presented focuses on the evaluation of this parameter using experimental runs of the Weather and Research Forecasting (WRF) model. Here, we study an event from 06 August 2013 that passed through the Green Bay, WI area, between 0400 and 0700 Z and produced 6 tornadoes along the leading edge of a Quasi-Linear Convective System. The evolution and predictability of the event was analyzed by using 6 different WRF simulations with varying moisture parameter schemes at an 18 km scale. With the WRF, the individual components and actual value of the NSTP were evaluated to see how the different moisture physics schemes affected the forecast with the hope that they would aid in a better forecast. These were compared to the model analysis fields obtained from the North American Regional Reanalysis database. From there, the Read/Interpolate/Plot program was used to further evaluate the WRF forecast and further assess the usefulness of the NSTP as a forecast aid.