Monday, 29 June 2015: 2:00 PM
Salon A-2 (Hilton Chicago)
The 557th Weather Wing maximizes America's military power through the exploitation of timely, accurate, and relevant weather information anywhere on the globe. We provide decision superiority to joint commanders to make the right decisions at the right time across the full spectrum of operations. The wing commands six Operational Weather Squadrons across the globe under the 1st Weather Group, standardizing processes and products to include the implementation of proven techniques to focus the forecasters' limited resources on the most operationally significant weather issues. The 2nd Weather Group provides numerical weather prediction capabilities. We are currently focused on expanding our worldwide support capabilities by increasing our global deterministic and ensemble products, as well as convective scale products to enable our global mission. Users of these data can access our products and services through our Open Geospatial Consortium-compliant Air Force Weather Web Services (AFW-WEBS) capabilities through a variety of methods. Furthermore, in response to the influx of mobile technology in the military, we are working with the Air Force's Life Cycle Management Center on a unique application to deliver authoritative data to Air Force and Army aviators through the Air Force's Electronic Flight Bag initiative. Finally, we operate the only space weather observation, analysis, and prediction capability for the Department of Defense, focusing on the military impacts of the near Earth and space environment. The 557th Weather Wing is well positioned to continue as the premier weather data provider to Unified Combatant Commanders and their fielded forces in every theater of operations.