Monday, 4 June 2018: 1:45 PM
Colorado B (Grand Hyatt Denver)
This talk will describe progress toward the production of a new, 4D-En-Var based global reanalysis and an accompanying reforecast for the upcoming version of the NCEP FV3 Global Ensemble Forecast System. The reanalysis, in production, will cover 1999-current and leverages the operational 4D-En-Var system, albeit at reduced resolution. Analysis quality is significantly better than that of the previous-generation CFS reanalysis. The reforecast, primarily intended to serve the postprocessing needs of NOAA's weather, water, and climate predictions, will also span the full 20 years, though the exact frequency of reforecasts and number of members is (as of Feb 2018) undecided pending the available computational resources. Data from the reanalysis and the reforecast will be saved and made publicly available.