We will report on the extensive radiance assimilation enhancements included in RAPv4 and describe work on RAPv5. For RAPv4 a large number of new radiance assimilation types were added and extensive use was made of direct broadcast data. A key focus for RAPv5 is use of the new and improved GOES-16 datasets (including ABI, GLM, and improved AMV winds) in both the RAP and HRRR.
A series of radiance upgrades has been tested and included in the RAP version 4, including adding new data (e.g., ATMS, CrIS, IASI, SEVIRI, AIRS etc.) with channel selection, supplementing the standard data feed with direct broadcast data, and delaying partial cycles for improved real-time data coverage. With the new radiance updates, positive impact has been seen in our retrospective runs. We are conducting a comprehensive data impact study for each individual and/or combined data set within the framework of RAP version 4 through retrospective runs with short-range forecast verifications. In addition, we will be examining assimilation of the ABI data from GOES-16 in RAPv5 and testing assimilation of lightning, AMV, and cloud-top cooling-rate data in HRRRv4. At the conference, we will report on progress to date in all aspects of our geostationary and polar orbiter satellite assimilation within RAP and HRRR.