14B.5 Comparison of “cloudbursts “ in Nepal and Indian Himalayas: from tropical-extratropical interaction perspective

Thursday, 3 April 2014: 2:30 PM
Pacific Salon 4 & 5 (Town and Country Resort )
Archana Shrestha, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison,, WI; and G. J. Tripoli and L. Back

Handout (13.7 MB)

“Cloudbursts “ are the devastating storms that occur during the monsoon season in the Himalayas. Among these events, the cloudburst of July 1993 in the Nepal Himalayas and recent cloudburst of June 2013 in the Indian Himalayas are the most catastrophic events. Our preliminary results on the cloudbursts in the Nepal Himalayas showed tropical-extratropical interaction with deep tropopause fold and pre-storm upper tropospheric warming anomaly during these events. Previous studies on cloudbursts in Indian Himalayas have attributed meso-scale convection system organization by meridional wind shear and mid level easterly jet for the occurrence of cloudbursts. This paper compares the synoptic conditions during June 2013 cloudburst event in Indian Himalayas with July 1993 cloudburst event from tropical-extratropical interaction perspective.
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