This study examines numerous 2015-version HWRF 24 h TC intensity forecasts from 2011-2014 over the North Atlantic and eastern North Pacific basins. Rapid intensification events, TCs near land, and recurving TCs are excluded. Forecasts with large intensity error are defined as errors in the 90th percentile of the sample distribution (mean of 21 kt). These are compared to analog forecasts with similar intensity and shear evolutions, yet small intensity errors. Results indicate that the large intensity error forecasts are associated with more compact TCs (i.e., stronger MSLP gradient, weaker wind speeds away from the TC center), less moisture at and below 850 hPa, but greater moisture above 850 hPa. Results also indicate that the large intensity error forecasts are associated with less convection upshear and downshear right of the TC. Finally, the potential role of the model initialization on the 24 h intensity errors will be discussed.