This study is focusing on quantifying TC rainfall asymmetries using the Fourier wavenumber decomposition method for different future 24-h storm intensity change stages, including RI, slowly intensifying, neutral, and weakening. Fourteen years (1998-2011) of TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI) data is used. A total of 1786 TMI overpasses with storm intensity between tropical storm and category 2 hurricane with favorable environmental conditions is selected. The RI category is divided into RI initial and RI continuing subcategories based on whether the storm is at the beginning of RI stage or has already undergone RI for 12 or more hours prior to the TRMM overpass. Based on energy contribution analysis of different wavenumbers, we found that higher wavenumbers are also important in contributing to the total perturbation energy. Therefore, the dominant wavenumber 1 through 6 asymmetries of surface rainrate relative to shear will be examined. Three rainfall intensity categories are classified including light, moderate, and heavy rain. The shear-relative distributions of light, moderate, and heavy rain frequency occurrence will also be examined for different intensity change stages.