Then, two notable recent hurricanes, Joaquin and Patricia (2015) are being used to evaluate the ability of NEVGEM analyses and forecasts to represent the atmospheric conditions for both environment and vortex core regions of the hurricanes. Specifically, the NEVGEM analyses and forecasts are being compared with NCEP Global Forecast System (GFS) analyses, observations obtained from the recent field program (e.g., TCI-15) conducted by the Office of Naval Research (ONR), as well as a series of mesoscale high-resolution numerical simulations from an advanced research version of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Specifically, owing to the lack of understanding of the influence of tropical cyclone outflow layer on the numerical prediction of the tropical cyclone rapid intensification, specific attention will be giving to the comparison of atmospheric conditions in the outflow layer. Satellite data will be assimilated into the WRF model in order to obtain more accurate structure of the outflow layer. Results and major findings will be presented.