J6.3 183+18=210: The Road to Glendive

Friday, 14 June 2019: 9:00 AM
Rio Vista Salon A-C (San Diego Marriott Mission Valley)
Maureen McCann, Spectrum News 13, Orlando, FL; and T. Koshko

For many in the field of broadcast meteorology, a career starts at a station in a small town with an ultimate desire to work in a bigger, more competitive market with the best equipment available. While New York City's top-ranked media market serves over 7 million households, Glendive, Montana's market ranking at #210 serves a pinch under 3,600. What exactly is life like in the town at the opposite end of the Nielsen TV Market Rankings? How does the only station in Market #210 operate? What does this station have in common with stations in much larger media markets? How does this station serve the surrounding community? These two broadcast meteorologists weathered an early-April snowstorm to find out how it all works at locally-owned KXGN-TV and intend to share their findings of the station's equipment, personnel, broadcast techniques and technology as well as weather coverage and the station's role in the community. They will also share other television-related parts of their multi-state journey which included a trip to one of the world's tallest man-made structures, "Home on the Range", burgers in Bismarck, sugar beets, and life at the "Beach".
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