15th Joint Conference on the Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology with the A&WMA

Session 3

 Chair: Ronald L. Petersen, CPP, Inc., Fort Collins, CO
1:30 PM3.1Improved Building Dimension Inputs for AERMOD   wrf recording
Ronald L. Petersen, CPP, Inc., Fort Collins, CO
1:45 PM3.2Roadside Air Quality Simulation Model in Japan Clean Air Program  extended abstract wrf recording
Yasuo Yoshikawa, Japan Petroleum Energy Center / Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., Atsugi-shi, Japan; and A. Ito, S. Hayashi, and S. Terada
2:00 PM3.3Source inversion using the collector footprint methodology  extended abstract wrf recording
Dragan Zajic, LANL, Los Alamos, NM; and M. J. Brown
2:15 PM3.4Examining Various Spatial Scales of a Hypothetical Chlorine  extended abstract wrf recording
Kerrie J. Long, Penn State Univ., State College, PA; and S. E. Haupt, F. J. Zajaczkowski, and L. J. Peltier

Monday, 21 January 2008: 1:30 PM-2:30 PM, 220

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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