13th Conference on Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology

Session 4

 Convection, Decision Support Systems and Air Traffic Management Part III
 Cochairs: Steve Ricketts, EC, Edmonton, AB Canada; Lynn A. Sherretz, NOAA/ESRL, Boulder, CO
4:00 PM4.1Integration of probabilistic Weather Information with Air Traffic Management Decision Support Tools: A conceptual Vision for the Future  extended abstract wrf recording
Matthias Steiner, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and C. K. Mueller, G. Davidson, and J. A. Krozel
4.2An ATM View of Progress-to-Date on Integrating Probabilistic Weather Forecasts with ATM Decision Making for NGATS  
Goli Davidson, Goli Davidson Consulting, San Francisco, CA; and M. Steiner and W. Chan
 The Marine Stratus Initiative and Effect of Stratus on Arrival Rates of SFO: M.J. Delman   wrf recording
4:15 PM4.3Researching concepts about weather and efficient management of air traffic   wrf recording
Reza Eftekari, MITRE/CAASD, McLean, VA
4:30 PM4.4Weather and Radar Processor (WARP) products for en-route controller displays  extended abstract wrf recording
James G. Stobie, ENSCO, Inc., Falls Church, VA; and A. Moosakhanian, J. Johnson, P. Jackson, and W. N. Brown
4:45 PM4.5Forecasters' role in decision making at European Mainport Amsterdam   wrf recording
Nico Maat, KNMI, De Bilt, Netherlands; and M. Molendijk and J. Sondij
5:00 PM4.6Canadian airport nowcasting project (CAN-Now): Preliminary results and plans for future  
George A. Isaac, Science and Technology Branch, Environment Canada, Toronto, ON, Canada; and M. Bailey, F. Boudala, B. Clark, S. Cober, N. Donaldson, N. Driedger, S. Gravel, I. Gultepe, D. Hudak, P. Joe, J. Reid, Z. Vukovic, A. Ling, and G. Simard
5:15 PM4.7An Aviation Weather Decision Support System (AWDSS) for the Dubai International Airport  extended abstract wrf recording
Charles A. Barrere Jr., Weather Decision Technologies, Inc., Norman, OK; and M. Eilts, J. Johnson, R. Fritchie, P. Spencer, B. Shaw, Y. Li, W. Ladwig, R. Schudalla, and D. Mitchell

Monday, 21 January 2008: 4:00 PM-5:30 PM, 226-227

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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