Performance of a Probabilistic Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Prediction Algorithm
Performance of a Probabilistic Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Prediction Algorithm
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Exhibit Hall B2 (GWCC)
Handout (865.9 kB)
A probabilistic cloud-to-ground lightning algorithm was created by
training a neural network on storm characteristics. The input dataset
consisted of all storm cells over the entire coterminous United States
on 12 days in 2008-2009 (one day per month). The input characteristics
include radar and near-storm environmental parameters and the neural
network was set up so that its output is the probability of cloud-to-ground
lightning at a grid location 30 minutes in the future. The probabilistic
output was evaluated on several independent test dates in 2009 and
results of that evaluation are presented.