Poster Session 1 2Health Poster Session

Monday, 24 January 2011: 2:30 PM-4:00 PM
Washington State Convention Center
Host: Second Symposium on Environment and Health
Wendy Marie Thomas, American Meteorological Society, AMS Policy Program, Washington, DC

An Investigation into the the urban heat island of Detroit, MI., and the role of three spatial variables
E. Oswald, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; and R. B. Rood and M. O'Neill

Estimation of WBGT with JMA products and information web site for heat stroke in Japan
Michihiko Tonouchi, Japan Meteorological Business Support Center, Tokyo, Japan; and M. Ono
Manuscript (289.6 kB)

"Hot Town, Summer in the City": Exploring perception of and adaptation to extreme heat in Phoenix, Arizona
Dana Pauzauskie, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and M. H. Hayden, O. Wilhelmi, and H. Brenkert-Smith

Risk assessments of outdoor hot environment using urban meteorological numerical model system
Yukitaka Ohashi, Okayama Univ. of Science, Okayama, Japan; and Y. Kikegawa, K. Yamaguchi, and T. Ihara
Manuscript (1.2 MB)

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner