Typically, we CCM's do this by providing expert services to scientific and engineering companies and others in technical fields; we also provide forensic services for a wide array of legal needs. But, I would suspect that in the course of providing these services, CCMs also help their clients learn. And through learning, we foster an even greater reliance on our services and can provide improved support to our varied client base.
I provide similar services, but I have taken the learning component one or two notches higher (or lower, as the case may be) by using my CCM knowledge, skills and abilities to bring weather consulting into more formal learning circles. This includes training teachers, serving on textbook adoption review panels, writing articles online and in magazines (e.g., Weatherwise) and, most importantly, working with students!
The latter has included bringing hands-on weather learning opportunities to classrooms, participating at numerous Weatherfest activities at either AMS conferences or other settings, and most importantly, serving as director for the growing national summer CAREERS weather camp program (now located at 11 sites). In all of these venues, I showcase the CCM umbrella.
In my talk, I'll showcase how the CCM handle can be used almost as effectively as having a Ph. D. after one's name, especially when it comes to exciting future scientists about weather, its many real-life applications and the CCM program. I hope that this talk sparks you into similar activities.