Session 1 Forensic Meteorology

Wednesday, 9 January 2013: 8:30 AM-9:30 AM
Room 19B (Austin Convention Center)
Host: Sixth Annual CCM Forum: Certified Consulting Meteorologists: Taking prediction beyond climate and weather: The CCM’s tools for providing solutions to real world problems
Gerald J. Mulvey, Northrop Grumman Corporation, Mission Systems, Redondo Beach, CA

8:30 AM
Welcoming Remarks

8:45 AM
Radar-based Analysis of the Dallas Cowboys Practice Facility Collapse of 2 May 2009
Richard L. Carpenter Jr., Weather Decision Technologies, Inc., Norman, OK
9:00 AM
The Use of the MM5 and WRF Models to Solve Problems: From Forecasting to Forensics
Elizabeth J. Austin, WeatherExtreme Ltd., Fallbrook, CA; and S. N. Goates, P. B. Williams, and E. H. Teets Jr.

9:15 AM
The CCM as an “Expert” Learning Resource
H. Michael Mogil, How The Weatherworks, Naples, FL - Florida

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner