Wednesday, 9 January 2013: 9:00 AM
Room 19B (Austin Convention Center)
Low-level nocturnal jets, gust fronts, in-flight icing, stratospheric mountain waves, Santa Ana wind events, tornadoes, breaking mountain waves and low-level wind shear are just some of the many applications of the Mesoscale Meteorological Model Version 5 (MM5) and the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF). These models have been used over the years to aid in real-world weather problem-solving'. Some examples include: determining locations to stage out of for world altitude record gliding attempts; distinguishing gust fronts from tornado events; forecasting for the NASA X-43A hypersonic research vehicle test flight; aviation accidents involving mountain waves, icing, and wind shear; forecasting for glider record altitude flight attempts; and Santa Ana fire events.
This modeling for weather problem solving ranges from research to forecasting to forensic applications. The modeling results may be implemented into a solution in many ways. The model results can be input into wind tunnels containing three-dimensional terrain and man-made features for additional analysis at smaller scales, model results can be input into flight simulators, and the model results can be used in conjunction with field projects to help verify and validate data and instruments and vice versa.