Session 3B Physical and Social Science Research Related to the Storm Surge and Hurricane Wind Warning Process

Monday, 7 January 2013: 4:00 PM-5:30 PM
Room 18D (Austin Convention Center)
Host: Eighth Symposium on Policy and Socio-economic Research
Betty Hearn Morrow, SocResearch, Eastern Research Group, Inc., Miami, FL and Robbie Berg, NOAA/National Weather Service, National Hurricane Center, Miami, FL

4:30 PM

4:45 PM
Communicating National Hurricane Center Forecasts of Storm Surge Hazards
Jamie Rhome, NOAA/NCEP/NHC, Miami, FL; and R. Berg, M. Lowry, W. Booth, E. Gibney, and B. H. Morrow
5:00 PM
Communication of Hurricane Storm Surge Threat: A Mixed-Method Analysis
Kathleen Sherman-Morris, Mississippi State Univ., Mississippi State, MS; and K. Antonelli, C. C. Williams, and A. Lea
5:15 PM
Evaluation of the NC-CERA Storm Surge and Wave Visualization Tool by Emergency Managers
Jessica L. Losego, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC; and R. Luettich, C. Kaiser, J. G. Fleming, and B. Blanton
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner