Cyclones And Sea Ice: A Study of Feedbacks
Cyclones And Sea Ice: A Study of Feedbacks

Monday, 3 February 2014
Hall C3 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
September 2012 set yet another record in the minimum Arctic sea ice extent observed since the beginning of the satellite era. The disappearing Arctic sea ice is one of the most vivid examples of observed climate change. At the same time, there is considerable ambiguity concerning the role of atmospheric forcing on sea ice variability. Many studies in both hemispheres have demonstrated statistical relationships, and yet analysis of September 2012 sea ice record minimum has suggested that it would have occurred even without the “Great Arctic cyclone” that took place on early August that year. This poster will report on early results of an analysis of sea ice retreat and synoptic climate in the Russian sector of the Arctic over a 70 year period and how they interact with each other. This analysis provides a basis for understanding the critical processes affecting the recent large shifts in the Arctic region.