Rainfall Variations Causing the Albeo Trend during the 2000–2011 Period over Central Australia
Rainfall Variations Causing the Albeo Trend during the 2000–2011 Period over Central Australia

Monday, 3 February 2014
Hall C3 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
It has been noted that MODIS-derived surface albedo over Australian desert has been steadily increased in 2000s. Examining such trend in more detail and investigating possible causes, albedo, outgoing shortwave flux, and net flux obtained from Clouds and Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data from 2000~2011were analyzed for central Australia. Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) data were also used for examining the rainfall trend as a possible cause of inducing such trend. It is shown that albedo, outgoing shortwave flux, and net flux at the TOA has been increased with ratios of 0.004, 1.417, and -1.548 over the ten year period from 2000 to 2009. The net changes in the ten year period correspond to 0.04 (20%) and 14 Wm^(-2) (18%) increases for albedo and upward solar flux, and next flux decrease of -15 Wm^(-2). However, those trends seemed to be reversed after 2009, leaving albedo, outgoing shortwave flux, and net flux rapidly back to the initial state shown in 2000. Because precipitation in central Australia in the mean time has decreased by about 300mm until 2009, it should be the persistent drought causing increased albedo in the 2000-2009 period. The recovery of precipitation from the persistent drought condition into the climatological level seemed to influence the reversed albedo trend after year 2009.