Real-time Volcanic Cloud Products for Aviation Alerts
Real-time Volcanic Cloud Products for Aviation Alerts

Tuesday, 4 February 2014: 9:00 AM
Georgia Ballroom 3 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
Handout (8.8 MB)
Ingesting real time (RT) satellite volcanic cloud data is vital for improving reliability of volcanic ash forecasts and minimizing risks of volcanic eruptions for aviation safety. NASA's NRT volcanic products from the polar orbiting Aura/OMI (Ozone Mapping Instrument) UV sensor are currently disseminated through the NOAA operational volcanic SO2/ash web site (http://satepsanone.nesdis.noaa.gov/pub/OMI/OMISO2/index.html). Direct readout OMI data are processed in real time at FMI using ground station in Sodankyla and disseminated via web page: http://omivfd.fmi.fi/volcanic.html. The primary goal of NASA's new volcanic hazards project is to expand collaboration with NOAA, AVO/USGS and FMI to fully utilize and timely disseminate satellite SO2 and volcanic ash data. Additionally, it will demonstrate the value of reducing data latency by utilizing direct readout (DR) volcanic cloud data downloads from the Suomi-NPP/OMPS sensor at both Finland and Alaska ground stations via on-site data processing. The project is in an initial feasibility study phase to explore several improvements to the existing volcanic ash decision support systems in Alaska and Finland.