Integrating Smart Meter Data with Localized Weather Observations to Provide Insight into Home Energy Usage
Integrating Smart Meter Data with Localized Weather Observations to Provide Insight into Home Energy Usage

Tuesday, 4 February 2014: 9:00 AM
Room C114 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
There have been roughly 50 million smart meters installed throughout the U.S. over the past five years. Providing smart meter data to customers is obvious for the utility company; but what other benefits can utilities provide to their customers from this investment? In this session, Earth Networks will outline how smart meter data, combined with localized weather information (temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and solar insolence) can provide significant insight into home energy use. In addition to targeted suggestions for energy savings, disaggregating weather-driven, variable, and base usage from smart meter data provides highly actionable information. Paired with extended localized weather forecasting, the model can significantly improve the accuracy of energy usage forecasts for planning and budgeting resources. By providing homeowners with this unique insight into their energy usage, utilities are able to enlist their customers in conservation measures that help them save money, while simultaneously improving the stability of the electric grid. This presentation will provide insight into the thermodynamic, grey-box modeling developed at the University of Maryland to accomplish the analysis, siting limitations, lessons learned, and visions of future adaptations.
Supplementary URL: http://earthnetworks.com/Products/weatherbughome